CRC to hold kickoff meeting on Tuesday
Published 3:58 pm Thursday, January 21, 2016
The Commonwealth Regional Council (CRC) will hold a kickoff meeting on the update of its Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. in The Mill Room — the downstairs conference room in the Mill Building, located at One Mill Street in Farmville.
CRC staff is working with a project management team to undertake a review and update of the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan, which addresses the effects of natural hazards (tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, winter weather, wildfire, etc.) on people and property in the area.
“Natural hazards have the potential of impacting every aspect of community life, and often result in the disruption of basic services and significant financial losses,” stated a CRC press release. “Some facilities that could be affected by such hazards include police and sheriff stations, fire and rescue facilities, schools, community centers, nursing homes and hospitals, churches, roads and bridges, and railroads, as well as private homes.”
The original plan was completed in December 2005, and an update was completed in 2012. Federal law requires the plan to be reviewed and updated every five years in order for covered localities to remain eligible for certain types of FEMA disaster funding. Localities participating in this update are the counties of Amelia, Buckingham, Charlotte, Lunenburg, Nottoway and Prince Edward, and the Town of Farmville. The update is expected to be done in 2017.
The public and interested stakeholders in the region are invited to attend this meeting. For more information, contact Todd Fortune at (434) 392-6104 or