Ghee pays for high-speed chase
Published 12:36 pm Friday, March 18, 2016
- Leonard Jamel Ghee
Leonard Jamel Ghee, a 26-year-old Brunswick County man, of 877 Jonesboro Church Road in Blackstone, was sentenced recently in Lunenburg Circuit Court to one year in jail as the result of a high-speed chase.
Ghee was also convicted of driving on a suspended license.
According to Lunenburg County Commonwealth’s Attorney Robert Clement, the incident began on Sept. 21 at approximately 1:30 a.m.
Deputy Sheriff Ethan Atkinson was investigating a complaint about a possible assault. He saw two vehicles in a church parking lot at the intersection of Oral Oaks Road and New Grove Road.
Upon checking the individuals, he found two men in a GMC Denali SUV and a woman in another vehicle, said Clement.
The passenger said he had been driven there by his friend to meet Ghee in order to loan him $40. Atkinson suspected more and noticed the odor of alcohol.
Upon asking for identification, Ghee said he did not have one. Ghee then took off recklessly from the parking lot.
By then, Atkinson had requested assistance from Kenbridge Police Officer Aaron Stokes who intercepted the vehicle and continued in pursuit. Stokes said speeds went up to 80 miles per hour on the country backroads, according to Clement.
According to Stokes, Ghee then turned down a private drive which was a dead end, but turned around and came back straight toward Stokes. Stokes stopped his vehicle, and Ghee went into the ditch around him.
“By the time Stokes got turned around, Ghee had gotten out of sight. Fortunately, Victoria Police Officer Daniel Medlin spotted the vehicle coming off of St. John’s Church Road onto Brooklyn Road,” said Clement. “He followed him to the South Hill Road, Route 138, and ended up on Fairview Road driving toward Brunswick County. Medlin was then directed to back off of the pursuit by his chief. Later they met with Brunswick County deputies to continue the search, but were then informed that there was a motor vehicle accident on Lew Jones Road. They found Ghee’s vehicle in a bean field, having knocked down a light pole. Ghee was not there, but a warrant was issued for his arrest and he was later taken into custody.”
The passenger in the vehicle stated that he jumped out of the vehicle at an intersection along the route.
In addition to his incarceration, Ghee will also be required to be a good behavior for six years, supervised probation for one year, subject to warrantless searches and seizures, and his driver’s license suspended for an additional one year and 90 days.