Aid your community in the New Year

Published 4:14 pm Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year’s Day will hit this week, and resolutions are on the horizon for many people wanting a fresh start.

This is a wonderful time of the year to rethink what kind of life we would like to lead in the new year and create a new atmosphere for ourselves.

While many may be writing down “lose 20 pounds” or “eat less junk food” on their resolutions list, we should also re-evaluate service to our community and make some civic-minded resolutions.

Why not choose to donate 10 items each month to BLISS — an organization that works to train those with disabilities for retail work — or vow to dedicate one Saturday morning each month to clean up litter on an adopted highway?

Those resolutions would benefit many in our community. The organization you support could better serve those in the community who are in need of essential goods and services.

You would also benefit, because you would have started a chain reaction that leads to a happier, healthier population.

Picking up trash on the side of the road doesn’t sound like fun, but think how beautiful the area would be with a little TLC. You might even feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that you helped your community look tidier.

These are just a couple of examples. Can you imagine the impact if every Lunenburg County citizen had just one resolution on their list that would help better the community? Seeing our people, schools and organizations thrive would be wonderful.

Why not give it a shot? There’s nothing to lose in that deal and so much to gain for our community.

Hannah Davis is the editor of The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch. She can be reached at