He checked his email recently, and what should he see …

Published 9:40 am Wednesday, March 9, 2016

“Non-profit tech association CompTIA just released its 2016 Cyberstates report, which provides a state-by-state analysis of the U.S. technology job market, and found Virginia’s tech industry employment ranked 6th in the country and employed 284,681 workers in 2015. These workers had an annual average salary of $109,038, which was 106 percent higher than the average private sector wage in the entire state.”

I assumed I ended up with the email because of the recent stories I have written about Lunenburg County Public Schools receiving a grant to implement a program to encourage students to go into cybersecurity.

In the article, I mentioned how the state is looking to be at the forefront of the growing industry.

Consequently, the email went on provide more details: 8.8 percent of the state’s economy is from the tech industry; 3,294 net jobs added between 2014 and 2015 — a number that’s expected to continue to rise in 2016; a tech payroll of $31 billion in 2015, accounting for 9.5 percent of all private-sector payroll in Virginia.

They offered to let me see how Virginia’s tech industry stacks up against the rest of the country, let me know and I’d be happy to pass along the full report.

Assuming all these facts are true, it would mean that Lunenburg students could be positioning to ride a wave of opportunity. Of course, that’s the point of education — to be offered chances and breaks; not because of who you know, but because of what skills you bring to the table.

The other part of it is good citizenship. We should understand that the greatness of our nation is in the strength of its middle class; we should respect others as we want to be respected. But I don’t doubt that the Lunenburg school system will do a good job of imparting those lessons — at least as much as a school system can. I also have no doubt that most parents will make a point to teach their children these things.

If I had it over to do again — well, I won’t lie. I’m a writer at heart. Always have been and always will be. Even if I’ve been reincarnated, in another life I was most likely a humble scribe.

But, as any scribe will tell you, the story continues … and that’s a good thing.

Jamie Ruff is a staff reporter for The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch. His email is jamie.ruff@kvd.com.