Chilly days creep into April

Published 8:07 am Thursday, April 7, 2016

Welcome to the new world order — where my sweat shirts just won’t go away.

Well, they could, but it doesn’t seem like a good idea with the cold nights and chilly days we are still seeing.

In fact, it seems like every time I think I can put some of my winter clothes away, I find out in just a few days how wrong I was.

I put my thermal underwear away a few weeks ago. We had enjoyed a good week of not just warm weather, but down right hot. Why not, I thought at the time.

Man, I wish I had on some thermals, I thought a few days ago.

The saying is that April showers bring May flowers. Now, it seems like April just brings chills — that are threatening the flowers around the house with a frost.

Of course, all of this will be an afterthought in a month or go, when every day will just be hot. But we have to get there first, and we haven’t.

Hey, don’t get me wrong. This isn’t about whether or not global warming is real. I believe it is, but I know that there are those who don’t.

No, I’m just talking about the weather and me; because some of this is about me and my compulsive personality. I could easy enough pull out a pair of thermals.

But, I don’t want to. I’m washed them and put them away ­— mentally probably more so than physically. I’ve decided I’m done with them, so … well, I’m done with them. The problem is I’m not done with being cold.

You know how you don’t want to wash your car because it looks like rain? Well, it’s like that for me. I’m not confused by the weather. I’m not tired of it. I’m just a guy who doesn’t want to have to cut his grass while wearing long johns. Is that too much to ask?

Jamie Ruff is a staff reporter for The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch. His email is