Keep em’ coming

Published 8:08 am Thursday, April 7, 2016

Hey, there. It’s been a while. But, I am back in action!

Spring is now upon us, baseball season has begun and thoughts of a beach vacation are trickling through our heads. All things to be thankful for, if you are like me.

Which brings me to another great thing I am thankful for — you guys, the readers.

I have been so impressed with the amount of guest columns and letters to the editor flowing into our paper.

Guest columns and letters to the editor not only help readers voice their opinions, but it helps our community grow and see what their neighbors and friends are talking about in the community.

It also helps our paper, and for that, I am thankful.

Those who write and are featured on the opinion page gives this paper a way to show multiple opinions in our area, which, in turn makes us an impartial and unbiased paper. We love that.

We are thankful that you choose to write to us so that every opinion can be read.

Without you, readers and writers, our paper would suffer. We appreciate you. Keep up the good work!

Hannah Davis is the editor of The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch. She can be reached at