We need to welcome towers

Published 7:07 pm Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Dear Editor,

Since 2007, when I moved to a rural area in Victoria, (four miles from town), cell phone use remains almost non-existent to this day. The signal I receive on my cell barely registers, which led me to the necessity of needing to pay over $100 per month to have a land line.

Family and friends lose service on their cell phones when visiting and cell batteries drain at an alarming rate. I have used major carriers that claim to have the best coverage areas and have bought top-of-the-line cell phones.

While complaining to the carriers for years, service never improved but I was told to purchase a micro cell tower — another expense that didn’t work. There were never any discounts given for “no service,” and being under contract, I’ve had to pay full price for services I don’t receive.

Thousands of dollars have been spent throughout the years paying full price monthly to have a cell phone along with the additional monthly bill of needing a land line. In this day and age of technology, I find this ridiculous. Cell phone towers are needed! If a tower can be constructed somewhere on the four acres I own, I’d gladly welcome it.

Bonnie Laporte
