Fall is here … sort of

Published 7:59 am Wednesday, August 10, 2016

It’s that time of year when everything is changing.

It’s fall. It’s a reminder that life is a cycle.

Yeah, I know the calendar says fall begins Thursday, Sept. 22, and ends on Tuesday, Dec. 20. But, we all know fall really begins when the leaves start to turn and tumble from the trees.

Seriously, I don’t care what anybody says, fall lingers longer than summer. Sure it’s been hot since May. But I’m pretty sure I’ve been watching the leaves turn red and yellow on the trees and on my road for nearly that long now.

It starts with one red leaf on our deck. It lay there alone. I started to take a picture of it and post it, but I forgot. I meant to call my wife to come look at it. But, I noticed it and over the course of a week as I watched it just be there. And I forgot about it, until I saw another.

Then I saw one in the road as I walked my dogs one morning. This one was yellow. And another.

I do know I don’t mind seeing fall come.

Of course, by the time it’s winter, I’ll be looking forward to spring and opening the windows.

Jamie Ruff is a staff reporter for The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch. His email is jamie.ruff@kvdispatch.com