Del. Tommy Wright appointed to SVHEC Board of Trustees
Published 1:20 pm Wednesday, August 24, 2016
- Del. Tommy Wright
Del. Thomas “Tommy” C. Wright has been appointed to the Board of Trustees for the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center (SVHEC), located in South Boston. Del. Wright was appointed for a four-year term by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and replaces Del. Les Adams, of Chatham.
“The center is extremely fortunate to have such a talented, dedicated and experienced gentleman join our board. I look forward to the positive contributions his tenure will bring to SVHEC,” said Dr. Betty Adams, SVHEC executive director.
Delegate Tommy Wright resides in Victoria, and represents the 61st district in the Virginia House of Delegates. His district includes the Counties of Amelia, Cumberland, Mecklenburg, Nottoway and parts of Lunenburg. In the House of Delegates, Wright serves on three committees: Militia, Police and Public Safety; Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources; and General Laws. He also serves as chairman of the Firearms subcommittee.
In addition to his duties as an elected official, Wright is very active in his community and region serving on numerous boards, commissions and councils. His regional service includes the Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission, the Virginia Roanoke River Basin Advisory Council and the Brown vs. Board of Education Scholarship Awards Committee.
SVHEC Board Chairman Tom Raab also expressed his enthusiasm in Wright’s appointment stating, “The board is very pleased to have a distinguished individual in Del. Tommy Wright appointed to our board. I look forward to working with him to move our mission forward.”
The SVHEC Board of Trustees meets quarterly at the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center. To learn more about the SVHEC and the board, visit