Longwood Club Softball Clinic rescheduled for Oct. 23

Published 10:07 am Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Longwood Club Softball Clinic hosted by Lunenburg Girls Softball (LGS) has been rescheduled due to inclement weather.

The clinic, intended for girls ages 5-18, was originally set for Oct. 8 but will now take place Oct. 23.

Helping run the clinic will be players from the club softball team at Longwood University, coming to share their knowledge of the game played at a higher level.

LGS Commissioner Tony Matthews has been pleased with the interest in the event so far, making his judgement based on the number of pre-registered participants for the clinic when it was scheduled for Oct. 8.

“At this point, right now, I have 29 (pre-registered girls),” he said. “I don’t know if all of those people will be able to flip the dates and so on, so forth, but it was shaping up to be a really good clinic.”

It will feature two different sessions, one scheduled noon to 2:30 p.m. for 5- to 10-year-olds and another scheduled 3-5:30 p.m. for 11- to 18-year-olds.

Matthews was happy to see a nearly even split age-wise among the pre-registered girls, with 15 signed up in the younger group and 14 in the older group.

Fourteen or 15 players from the Longwood club team have been expected to help run the clinic, and Matthews said the plan is to break up participants into four or five different stations.

“We’ll put three or four girls at each station with three or four players, and then break that down that way so they’ll really get some good one-on-one instruction,” Matthews said.

Those attending the clinic will gain exposure to several different primary facets of softball.

“We are going to have hitting lessons, we’re going to have fielding, and we’re also going to have base-running clinics,” Matthews said. “So, everyone will get sort of a general overview.”

There is one key omission from that list.

“We do not do pitching lessons at this, because a lot of these girls like to do pitching lessons on the side and on their own, that kind of thing,” Matthews said. “So, it’s a general softball knowledge clinic.”

That does not mean it is only for beginners, though.

“For those that are farther advanced, they’ll be kind of pulled out of the group and given a little bit of special instruction,” Matthews said.

The cost to participate per clinic is $25, and interested participants must confirm with Matthews to secure their spot. Individuals pre-registered before Oct. 17 will receive a free Longwood Club Softball Clinic T-shirt. Parents should be sure to communicate their child’s shirt size to Matthews, and the shirt will be ready to pick up at the clinic.

For more information or to register, contact Matthews at (434) 480-9032 or commissioner@lgsoftball.org.