Notice about library not enough notice
Published 9:41 am Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Dear Editor:
I thought public hearing notices were to be specific in what action is being considered. Stating a recent Victoria public hearing regarding the town library was “to discuss the possible disposition of property” did not tell what that “possible disposition” was, why it was being considered or who was involved. Interested parties, therefore, had no information on which to form an opinion, leaving them unable to make any comment.
Furthermore, placing a small notice under “General Notices” in the classifieds section of the newspaper made it more likely readers would not see it. I, for one, do not look at the classifieds section because I am not selling anything, looking for anything for sale or looking for a job. Had it not been for someone telling me of the notice, I would not have known since this action had been kept a secret.
It may have been mentioned during previous town council meetings, which I didn’t attend, but nothing was said at meetings I attended of the Lunenburg County Public Library System Board of Trustees. Since trustees have not complied with my FOIA request to email me meeting documents, which are already in electronic format, I have had no opportunity to read them to see if they discussed this in open meetings.
It may be this type of transaction must be discussed in closed session and mentioned only to advertise in a public hearing notice, but those notices should give the public more information than “possible disposition of.”
Trudy Bell Berry
Green Bay