The key to success

Published 11:02 am Wednesday, January 4, 2017

As is the case with so many things in life, success requires teamwork. The operation of a weekly community newspaper is definitely an example of this. Much of my time as sports editor is dedicated to analyzing how Central High School’s and Kenston Forest School’s sports teams work, but I want to take a few moments in this instance to give a glimpse at how our team at Farmville Newsmedia works to put together The Kenbridge Victoria Dispatch.

The process starts with Wanda Fix, our community editor, who works tirelessly in Lunenburg County to help keep people informed, finding and assigning stories for our reporters, tracking down photos and names and passing along news tips.

She works together with Managing Editor Martin Cahn and Director of Operations Staci Bridge to clearly establish what stories, briefs and photos will make up the majority of the edition.

Senior Staff Writer Jordan Miles, Staff Writer Carson Reeher and Martin busily conduct and transcribe interviews, then write stories, tracking down photos, as necessary.

I am engaged in these same activities while also handling pagination of the sports page. Pagination is the process of putting the content on the page and determining how it will be arranged.

Jordan handles pagination duties for the opinion page, and Staci, who is also our foremost graphic designer, does the pagination for the rest of the paper.

Wanda produces the content for the classifieds, while Karen Scruggs handles legal advertising and obituaries.

Helping generate advertising for the paper is Advertising Sales Consultant Steve Wallace.

Wanda gives her final approval on the pages, as Martin and Publisher Betty Ramsey proof them.

Pressman Jeff Thomas and Pressman’s Apprentice Andy Bridge print the paper, and Circulation Director Rhonda Finch ensures that the copies are distributed and accessible to the public.

Last, but certainly not least, on our team is you, both reading and providing great content to us.

Titus Mohler is sports editor of The Kenbridge Victoria Dispatch. His email address is