Meeting held on action plan

Published 10:50 am Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Lunenburg County School Board held a public meeting Thursday at Central High School to explain to the community the Corrective Action Plan that’s in place to hopefully get Kenbridge Elementary School (KES) fully accredited by June 2021.

“The director of the Office of School Improvement of the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will coordinate with the division superintendent, division staff as appropriate, principals and other VDOE offices to provide technical assistance and support of the memorandum of understanding and the corrective action plan,” Director of Personnel, Instruction and Federal Programs Sidney Long said.

The plan includes implementing and monitoring a system for ensuring lesson plans are aligned in content and cognition to the Standards of Learning (SOLs); implementing and monitoring a system for ensuring lesson delivery is aligned in content and cognition to the SOLs; implementing and monitoring Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS); providing, implementing, and monitoring professional development on co-teaching/collaboration and monitoring the data analysis process.

To become fully accredited, KES must have an SOL pass rate of 70 percent in math, science and history and an English pass rate of 75 percent. The plan provides goals and guidelines to assist teachers in providing proper lesson plans, teaching styles and tools and tests that could help students better prepare for and perform on the SOLs.

Long explained each point of the plan.

In addition to the five essential actions, Long said documentation was required to support evidence of progress or completion of each action. Some of the documentation required, according to a handout from the meeting explaining the plan, included lesson plan checklines templates, analysis of student data, PBIS school plans and monthly and annual state reports.

Former principal of Goochland High School Mike Newman will be hired as a coach, according to Long, to help guide the division through the process.

The plan will be adjusted annually until KES becomes fully accredited.

“Once the school becomes fully accredited, this plan will be complete,” Long said.