Community News
Published 10:08 am Wednesday, April 12, 2017
The Church and Community Events calendar is published each Wednesday. Items must be submitted by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s calendar. Events should be emailed to
MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE, 7:30 p.m. at Victoria Christian Church to commemorate Jesus’ Last Supper with His disciples, which will include a communion service as well as a review of events that took place leading up to the resurrection on what we now celebrate as Easter.
MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE, 6 p.m. at the Victoria Church of the Nazarene, Sixth and Main streets, Victoria. Everyone is welcome.
APRIL 13-14
HOLY WEEK, 7 p.m. each night, at New Grove Baptist Church. The Rev. Dr. Elnora Miller and New Galilee Baptist will conduct the service.
YOUTH REVIVAL, 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 821 Lunenburg Ave., Victoria. Guests will include Elder DeMarquis Henderson, Thursday, and Pastor Jessica Jones on Friday. Please come out and help us have a glorious time in the Lord.
11TH ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT, 10 a.m. sponsored by the Town of Vitoria and co-sponsored by Klassy Divas Social Club at Victoria Railroad Park. Children up to age 5 will be in Group One and 6-12 in Group Two. There will be games, candy, prizes and lots of fun. Don’t forget your basket and camera for pictures with the Easter Bunny.
COMMUNITY EASTER EGG HUNT, 3 p.m. sponsored by The 5 o’clock Women’s Club at Kenbridge Park, rain or shine. A live bunny will be given away. Children through 11 years old are welcome.
PRE-EASTER CELEBRATION, 2:30 p.m. at Gilfield Baptist Church, Highway 138, Kenbridge. Please come out and worship with us.
ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT, noon, at Mt. Bethel Baptist Church sponsored by the youth and men’s ministry. Everyone is welcome.
MAYFLOWER BAPTIST CHURCH, 9:30 a.m., will be picking up trash on Mayflower Road. If you would like to help, meet at the church.
EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE, 6:30 a.m. at the Victoria Christian Church, followed by light breakfast. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., followed by morning worship at 11 a.m. You are invited to come worship.
NINTH ANNIVERSARY, 3 p.m. of pastor the Rev. Elmus Morgan Jr. and First Lady Evangelist Jacqueline Morgan, at Friendship Baptist Church, 6351 South Hill Road, Kenbridge. The guest messenger for the anniversary will be the Rev. Steven Jones from the Good Hope Baptist Church, Blackridge. Rev. Jones will be accompanied by his choir and congregation.
NO SERVICE at Mt. Moriah Upper Room Baptist Church. The church will worship with Calvary Baptist Church in Prospect starting with Sunrise Service at 6 a.m.
SUNRISE SERVICE, 6 a.m. at Unity Baptist Church. Guests will be the Rev. Curtis Bagley and the New Grove Baptist Church. The public is welcome.
SUNRISE SERVICE, 5:30 a.m., at Mt. Bethel Baptist Church with the carrying of the cross and worship service at 6 a.m. The Rev. C.L. Hobbs will deliver the preached word, followed by breakfast. Everyone is welcome.
EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE, 6:30 a.m. at Victoria Christian Church. Pastor Earl P. Pinchbeck Jr. will bring the message at this early morning service that was started in the community by the first pastor of the Victoria Christian Church over 100 years ago. Enjoy special music and hymns of celebration. A light breakfast will follow in the church fellowship hall. The resurrection celebration will continue at the Easter worship service at 11 a.m., which follows Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Dr. Vander Warner Jr., former pastor and founder of the television ministry at Grove Avenue Baptist Church in Richmond, as well as Victoria Christian Church’s “honorary pastor” will preach with conviction the message of Jesus’ resurrection.
SUNRISE SERVICE, 6 a.m. at Mayflower Baptist Church. Breakfast will be served after the service. Everyone is welcome to come worship with us.
BENEFIT MOTORCYCLE RIDE, 9 a.m. to benefit the Burkeville Lodge for the Blind. Registration is at 9 a.m. at the Burkeville Lodge, 341 Oak St., Burkeville. Ride begins at 10 a.m. Day includes 145-mile scenic ride to Lovingston, lunch at the Burkeville Lodge and drawings. Route details will be handed out the morning of the ride. Costs include $20 per rider, including lunch, $10 per passenger with lunch. Contact Harold Wagstaff for more information at (434) 603-1433.
NEW GROVE BAPTIST, 11 a.m. where the church will honor First Lady Freda Pullen Bagley during the regular morning worship service. Dinner will be served following the worship service. Everyone is welcome to attend.
VCU GUITAR EMSEMBLE, 4 p.m. at Kenbridge Community Center, 511 E. 5th Ave., Kenbridge, directed by John Patykula with special guest John Bullard, classical banjo. The event, sponsored by the Kenbridge Baptist Church, is free to the public.
CANNING WORKSHOP, 6-8 p.m. sponsored by Virginia Cooperative Extension at the Southern Piedmont AREC, 2375 Darvills Road, Blackstone. Class topics include the science of canning, canning recipes, storage of canned goods and how to can with a pressure, hot water bath and steam canners. Canning equipment will be on display and used as we discuss the various methods. Call Eric Bowen, area food safety agent, Nottoway County, at (434) 607-2049 or email at for additional details. Be sure to register by April 21. Registered participants will receive a bound copy of the USDA Guide to Home Canning.