Giving thanks

Published 11:36 am Wednesday, November 22, 2017

As Thanksgiving Day approaches, we wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for a couple of things.

First, we are thankful for you — the people who make up the Heart of Virginia. There are a variety of reasons why.

Oftentimes you will hear of complaints how much the news, at local and national levels, can be focused on negative things that are occurring. It is true that when particularly negative things take place in the area, we will tend to put them on the front page because people want to be made aware of them, but thanks to you, we have been able to write many stories about positive things.

You shape the content of the newspaper with your words and deeds, and the content has included stories of honor, hope, self-sacrifice, generosity, compassion, reverence, achievement and more.

When there is negative news to report, members of the community help us in getting that information in short order to make the public aware.

In addition to helping us by letting us interview and photograph you, we are also thankful for you because of the prepared content you submit to us. This includes social and opinion columns and education news. The time you take to put together those items demonstrates your care for and dedication to this community.

Second, we also would like to express how thankful we are to operate in this country, which has a Constitution that ensures us freedom of the press.

As a newspaper, we have many things to be thankful for, but in this space, we highlighted two that are among the most important.

We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving.