
Published 12:20 pm Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Webster dictionary says “Hope is the feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” I believe Hope is the confident expectation of the promised blessings of God. In Psalm 39:7 David said “Our hope is in the Lord.”

In Jesus we are hoping for a better world. There is more good in the world than evil but evil is what grabs our attention. Videos circle the internet showing young people fighting and being disrespectful, but the videos showing young people doing great things in their community or making excellent grades are rarely shared. We sometimes focus on all the things that are going wrong and forget to look at the things that are going right. My hope is to help make this world a better place and with Jesus’ help it can be done.

I was listening to the news and heard a story about a young lady that was stranded on the road because she ran out of gas. A homeless man approached her and told her to stay in her car and he would return with gas. He used his little bit of money to ensure she was OK. Because the man blessed the woman with kindness, God blessed him. The woman and her fiancé started a GoFundMe page and raised a few hundred thousand dollars for the man. One kindness deserves another. Both of them were hoping for something, she was hoping for gas and he was hoping for a better life, through God’s grace and mercy, they got what they desired.

My niece Mary loves the song “Lord I hope this day is good” by Debra Snipes. She has played it so many times that I also fell in love with it. Every morning when I wake up to a new day I’m hoping that it will be better than yesterday. I’m hoping and standing on God’s Word that no matter what, He is with me. Roman 15:4 says “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.”

We grow in Hope as we pray and seek forgiveness and in doing that, Jesus is waiting with opened arms.

Be Bless in Jesus’ Name.

Mary Simmons can be reached at aboxoflovekvd@gmail.com.