Hairston convicted of malicious wounding

Published 10:54 am Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A 30-year-old Meherrin man was sentenced in Lunenburg County Circuit Court to an active term of three and a half years in jail in connection to cutting his 54-year-old landlord while riding around together at around 2 a.m. with friends. William Still Hairston III saw a felony conviction of malicious wounding.

According to Lunenburg County Commonwealth’s Attorney Robert Clement, the incident occurred July 23, when Hairston, who was extremely intoxicated, fell asleep in the backseat and fell over on the victim. The victim pushed Hairston off him, and then Hairston woke up in a rage and violently hit and cut the man.

“The victim ended up with a gash on his elbow, and a few slashes across his chest, and a small cut on his arm,” officials said in a press release. “He also had a knot on his head.”

The release cited that Hairston also fought with the driver of the car when he pulled Hairston off of the victim. Hairston then fled on foot and was not found until Sept. 5.

“Hairston’s prior criminal record included five counts of Distribution of Controlled substances in Prince Edward County for which he may face a revocation hearing,” officials said in the release. “In addition to his incarceration, the defendant received an additional suspended sentence of 16 years and two months and will be subject to conditions of good behavior for 20 years, supervised probation upon his release for two years, warrantless searches for five years, no contact with the victim, and restitution to the medical providers in the amount of $2,056.85.”