Marching to Battle

Published 1:58 pm Wednesday, January 31, 2018

On Jan. 11, the night before my operation, my family and I gathered at a hotel in Richmond to prepare for my surgery. We had a nice time talking, laughing and praying. My children presented me with my “Kick Cancer Butt Outfit.” The outfit consisted of pink and white boxing shorts, a pink and white boxing robe (shorts and a robe similar to what actual boxers wear in the ring), black tights, a pair of pink sneakers, a t-shirt that said “Kick Cancer’s Butt!” and lastly, a pair of pink and white boxing gloves! I tried on my outfit and knew I was ready to do battle.

On Jan. 12, at 9 a.m. I marched into the hospital with my “Kick Cancer’s Butt Outfit” followed by an army of eleven. You should have seen me, I was strong and I was ready; we must have been a sight going to fight cancer. The people were smiling and waving, it was so encouraging. I did some quick boxing moves and was looking like Muhammad Ali. My daughter kept screaming, “The Champ is Here.” I felt like David going into battle because I knew that my battle was won and that cancer was no match for Jesus and me.

After I checked in the nurse took me to the back and prepped me for surgery. When she finished my family was allowed to come in the back and spend time with me. We prayed, laughed and talked because we all knew God was in the room and everything was going to be alright. My doctor came in the room a little later and explained what was going to take place; she answered all the questions that my family bombarded her with. While my family put up a brave front I knew they were all afraid. I tried to give them my strength and let them know that when you come to do battle you have to know that you have already won. Finally it was time to go into surgery and kick some butt!

My surgery lasted for two hours and my family was on pins and needles. Finally Doctor Cox came out and told my family that they got all the cancer, in other words, I am cancer free! My family jumped up and rejoiced. Everyone had tears in their eyes because even though they believed that God had everything under control, there was still that tiny “what if’ in the back of their minds. My husband said the family just kept hugging each other when the news was announced and saying praise God, praise God!

A few hours later my entourage of eleven was waiting for me when the nurses bought me into my room. We were laughing and once again praising God for His goodness and His mercies. They stuck around for a few more hours and little by little they went back to the hotel. Finally everyone was gone except my youngest daughter (she spent the night with me) and I was able to go to sleep and get some rest.

The next day this beautiful lady came in my room to speak with me. She said she was in the waiting room when we arrived and saw me in my “Kick Cancer’s Butt” outfit. She began to talk about my family, she said she was surprised to see so many of them there supporting me. She said it was beautiful, I had agree. The woman told me that her only daughter has cancer. Instead of being angry she talked about the goodness of the Lord and that no matter what, God is still God. She blessed my soul with her faith and her words. It’s amazing how God brings people into your life for such a short time but they can make such a huge impact. I felt blessed meeting her and hope to one day see her again.

After staying in the hospital for two days, I came home. My sons had to go back to their homes but my three girls stayed with their dad and I for a full week. They were my personal nurses, physical therapists, cooks, and housekeepers. Today I am feeling wonderful and have no pain.

In spite of everything I have been through, I still give Jesus the glory and the honor because He is so worthy to be praised. Thank you Heavenly Father for Your healing and thank You for Your blessing. I am truly humbled by Your love. You are an awesome God and I will always sing Your praise!

Be Bless in Jesus Name.

Mary Simmons can be reached at