Loving your neighbor as yourself
Published 3:11 pm Wednesday, February 14, 2018
A couple of weeks ago my brother and I remembered my mom who passed away at the end of May last year. It would have been her birthday. There was no gift to buy, no card to send, no phone call to make. There was however a prayer to be lifted on her behalf — and on mine. We don’t always have the best relationships with our loved ones, but it’s when they are gone that we wish we would have done more to make the best of the times we did have together. We live in a world divided, and have for some time. It is my prayer that country versus country, town versus town, political party versus political party, family versus family, spouse versus spouse, sibling versus sibling, co-worker versus co-worker would find equal ground and come together from the “other one’s” perspective and love one another the best way they can. Jesus says to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.” I’m sure we don’t love God as much as He would like. I know we don’t love him as much as He loves us. I think it’s hard for us to love each other … because it is hard for us to love ourselves. Whoever is reading this today, please know that you are a precious child of God. Nothing you have done or will do will ever erode the love God has for you. I think if we can all live into that reality… the world might just become a little bit better place.
Tim Beck is pastor of Kenbridge United Methodist Church. His email address is revtimbeck@gmail. com.