Patriot Pen contest winners at Kenston
Published 3:10 pm Wednesday, February 14, 2018
The Patriot’s Pen program, sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, is open to students in grades six-eight, who are enrolled in a public, private or parochial school or home study program in the United States and its territories. Essays must be no less than 300 words and cannot exceed 400 words. Essays are judged on knowledge of the theme, research, theme development and relation of the theme to your own experiences, and clarity of ideas. KFS English teacher, Cam Williams, facilitated student participation in this program. Veterans from the local VFW posts presented certificates to KFS students for their participation and announced winners. Pictured are, from left, third place: Mackenzie Harmon, daughter of Johnny and Robin Harmon of Blackstone; second place: Rylee Wilkerson, daughter of Bill and Tonya Wilkerson of Crewe and first place: Kaitlyn Hite, daughter of Michael Hite of South Hill.