Seed library opens

Published 12:28 pm Wednesday, March 21, 2018

An inventory of seeds, which include anything from flowers to vegetables to herbs, will take root at the Ripberger Public Library.

Alicia Hilliard, director of the Lunenburg County Public Library System, Inc., confirmed the installation of the program, and noted that the program seeks to make gardening accessible to members of the community.

“Patrons may take up to two packets of seeds with the intention that they will grow the plants, save the seeds, and return them to our ‘seed library,’ Hilliard said in a recent interview. “We are welcoming all heirloom seeds and hope to build our inventory in order to continue.”

The seeds are kept in a series of drawers that are in alphabetical order.

The heirloom seeds are seeds that are taken from mature plants and are often replanted.

Hilliard said the seeds that will be part of the seed library will include veggies, herbs and flowers. She said as the program starts, they will have plants that are easy to grow available.

She said adults won’t be the only ones who can get involved. The library will have a children’s potting station for young ones to develop their green thumbs.

“Both adults and children are welcome to get involved,” Hilliard said.

The programs that the library will offer along with the seed library include “talks with master gardeners about seed saving tips, germination, companion planting, pesticide alternatives, etc.,” Hilliard said.