A visit with Uncle Sam

Published 5:16 pm Wednesday, April 11, 2018

It’s quickly approaching April 15 and with it comes my annual visit with my least favorite uncle, Sam. I wish I could say this was a visit I eagerly awaited and looked forward to each year, but that would be far from the truth.

In fact, over the years these annual visits with my Uncle Sam have become less and less attractive and some years downright painful. In my younger years I eagerly looked forward to April 15 and my visit with Uncle Sam. He always had a present for me, a nice refund check. Just the kind of uncle everyone hopes to have.

That all changed when he started expecting a check from me! These days I find myself pushing off his visit until the last possible minute. I know it won’t make a difference that no matter what I do, he will have his hand out waiting for another, and probably bigger check.

Regardless of political affiliations I think we can all agree we desire a more robust economy and a few more dollars in our pockets. It’s time for a change. There has been a lot of talk about fewer taxes and more money in our paychecks. Let’s hope that this time we aren’t disappointed and, come this time, next year our checks to Uncle Sam won’t be so painful.

Betty Ramsey is the publisher of The Kenbridge- Victoria Dispatch and Farmville Newsmedia LLC. Her email address is Betty.Ramsey@ KVDispatch.com.