Budget appropriations approved

Published 9:40 am Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Lunenburg County supervisors, during its Thursday board meeting, voted to approve funds that would be carried over from the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 budget to the FY19 budget.

County Administrator Tracy Gee said during the meeting that the Kenbridge Fire Department (KFD), Victoria Fire & Rescue (VFR) and the Lunenburg County Sheriff’s Office are among the departments that had funds moved from FY18 that affected its FY19 budget.

Tracy Gee

For KFD, Gee said the department had a total of $20,000 of carry-over appropriation from FY18. Gee said the department did not request a check for the $20,000 carry-over appropriation and that the county would consult department chief Dickie Harris.

For VFR, which includes Kenbridge Emergency Squad, Gee said the department started the FY18 year with a carry over of $12,551, and an appropriation of $60,000 for a total of $72,551. The department spent $37,073 of that funding, making its total carry over $35,478.

Gee said Meherrin Fire & Rescue used all of its appropriation for FY18 to the penny, and did not have carry over for the following year.

The Lunenburg Sheriff’s Office started the FY19 with a carry-over funding amount of $10,000. Gee said the county allowed a transfer of $53,000 due to vacancy savings, totaling the amount to $63,000, for the sheriff’s office to purchase vehicles.

Gee said the office used $32,371 for the purchase and outfitting of one vehicle, putting their total carry over amount to $30,629.