Leaders attend ACT Academy IV session

Published 11:33 am Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Terra Napier, Business Services Coordinator at the South Central Workforce Development Board, and 16 other workforce leaders from across Virginia attended the Aug. 15 ACT Academy IV session at the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center in South Boston. They learned effective ways of reaching and maintaining Certified Work Ready Community (CWRC) status in Virginia. Lee Ann Mahan and Dr. Julie Brown, both of the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (IALR) and the Dan River Region Collaborative (DRRC), coordinated the session. Pictured are, from left, front row, Jackie Winn, Business Technology Instructor, Nottoway High School; Terra Napier, Business Services Coordinator, South Central Workforce Development Board; Angie Kellett, Director, Mecklenburg County Office of Economic Development; Carthan F. Currin III, Director of Economic Development, County of Brunswick; back row, Fred McConnel, Regional Manager, Workforce Initiatives, ACT Work Ready Communities; Kristi R. Sutphin, Economic Development Coordinator, Isle of Wight County; Curtis Cobert, Research and Marketing Manager, Hampton Economic Development; Pam Croom, Workforce Development Coordinator, Hampton Economic Development; Debra Crowder, Executive Director, South Central Workforce Development Board; Mary Ellen Yeatts, Business & IT Instructor, Dept. Chair, and CTE Coordinator, Nottoway High School; Michelle McDonald, Teacher, Amelia County High School; Roger Scott, President, Eclipse Tools and Amelia County Supervisor – District 2; Glenn Millican, County Planner, Lunenburg County Administration; Lee Ann Mahan, CWRC Coordinator, Institute for Advanced Learning & Research/Dan River Region Collaborative; Christy White, Business Teacher, Buckingham County High School. Not pictured: Amy Cole, Director of Student and Partner Advancement, Innovation Center at the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center and Dr. Julie Brown, Director of Advanced Learning, IALR and DRRC.