A beautiful woman

Published 9:22 am Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Let me tell you a story about a beautiful woman. Peggy was not only beautiful with long legs and a figure to die for, she was beautiful inside as well as her outer appearance.

I met Peggy in 1978 when we were working at New York Telephone Company. She had a son and I had six children. Every payday she brought something for my children and no matter how much I protested she would just shove me off and say you have six children and I have one child, I can afford it. Two years later Peggy became pregnant again and her son, Brian became the office baby. She bought Brian to the office daily and we showered him with love.

Let’s get back to Miss Peggy. She had a personality that was warm and giving. Each morning before she came to work Peggy would dance for her workout. Peggy, Martha and I rode to work together in New York City and we lived in Queens. Although it was a long ride, when Peggy was there, it never seemed long because she kept us laughing with her funny stories.

Peggy was my friend. When she didn’t like what I was wearing she would let me know in a hurry. One day she called me aside and said, “I don’t like what you are wearing.” I asked, why? She said, “your husband is an executive in the union and he comes in here all the time. Just because the other women wear their pants a little short you cannot, it does not look good.” I looked down at my pants and they did not seem suitable, she was right. Peggy did not get away just telling me what she thought, I told her also.

Peggy and I argued all the time. One day I told her, you are my Charles at work, you argue all the time. What did I say that for? She really hit the ceiling. No matter how much Peggy and I argued we were the best of friends.

If my friend was here today I would give her the biggest hug and kiss that she has ever seen. My friend has gone on to be with the Lord, I loved her, but Jesus loved her best. Goodbye my friend. Be bless in Jesus’s name.

Mary Simmons can be reached at marysimmons@embarqmail. com.