JV Lady Chargers aim for consistency

Published 9:48 am Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Central High School’s junior varsity girls volleyball team dropped a couple of matches last week, but it still holds a winning record of 8-6 and its head coach has been encouraged by the girls’ performance overall this season.

“I am very proud of them as a team and of each of them individually,” Lady Chargers Head Coach Karen Justice said. “They have come together as a team and worked hard to make improvements and build each other up.”

The Lady Chargers have demonstrated clear strengths and weaknesses as a unit so far.

“When they are on, they are on, but sometimes they struggle with keeping themselves in the game and focused at all times,” Justice said. “Consistency has been a weakness.”

Nevertheless, several girls have stepped up to lead their teammates well over the course of the first 12 matches this year.

“Abbey Tomlinson has been a leader for them on an off the court,” Justice said. “She has been out due to an injury but remains part of the team and builds them up. Hayley Moody and Aaliyah Alexander are both quiet leaders on the court and have both demonstrated leadership by being as consistent and reliable as possible on and off the court. Asia Crawley has also fallen into a leadership role by constantly communicating to them on the court and off; her bright smiles and loud voice help keep the team where they need to be.”

Central has four matches left on the regular season schedule. It is set to visit Prince Edward on Wednesday, then host Amelia on Thursday. It will visit Randolph-Henry on Monday, and finally, the Lady Chargers will visit Nottoway on Thursday, Oct. 25. All matches are scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.