Life is too short not to enjoy it

Published 12:33 pm Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wake up, jump out of bed, embrace the day and get moving. Thank you Jesus for another day, one that has never been seen before, nor will it be seen again. Make today different from other days, do things that you don’t normally do. Take a walk, enjoy the scenery, speak to strangers, and leave fear behind because God will control your path. Life is too short not to enjoy it.

Although I am 81, I still look forward to new things on a daily basis. I have always wanted to go to an opera concert, attend a professional football or basketball game, and a music concert. You will be amazed at the kind of people you can meet at places you don’t normally attend. The friends you can make and the fun you can have.

Near my children’s home is a bird sanctuary and a pond where the ducks and geese swim. In the summer and the spring, beautiful butterflies fly from one plant to another. Big birds fly so close to the house you’d think they were going to crash, but oh no, up again they go. On chilly days I watch from the window and on sunny days I’m in the yard. The geese and the ducks are quacking and squawking thanking Jesus for life.

When you get a moment, sit in your quiet place and listen to the quietness and think. Listen to what Jesus is trying to say. You may be surprised at what He says and where He wants to take you. Make this day an enjoyable and eventful one; and remember life is too short not to enjoy it

Hebrews 12:14 – “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Be blessed in Jesus’ name.