Hearing set for revised ordinances
Published 10:46 am Wednesday, February 20, 2019
The Victoria Town Council scheduled its public hearing for its revised ordinances — and may possibly take a vote on them.
The hearing will take place Tuesday, March 12, at 7 p.m., Town Manager Rodney Newton confirmed.
The town council entered into an agreement with Municode in January 2018 to update the town’s ordinances and to put them online for residents to have easy access.
Recommended changes and updates to the ordinances include updating the chapter on dogs to reflect the enforcement by the county animal control officer, with more updates coming in the future to allow the animal control officer and law enforcement to capture and hold dogs roaming free in town.
Other changes include updating the building chapter to reflect current requirements for permits, the use of the county building official to enforce the uniform statewide building code, and the enforcement of property maintenance codes by the Town of Victoria; adding civil penalties for infractions of the property maintenance codes; updating the article dealing with dangerous buildings to give better guidance on dealing with dilapidated or unsafe structures; updating the vehicle license fee to reflect the recent decision to eliminate the town vehicle decal; updating the cemetery chapter to reflect both cemeteries maintained by the town and adding a section to allow for the installation of companion water meters for the purpose of lawn sprinkler systems.