County to observe Census Day

Published 11:18 am Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors voted to approve a resolution during its meeting Thursday to observe Census Day in light of the upcoming 2020 census.

The observance is set to be held Monday, April 1.

The census, according to the resolution, records key questions of everyone who lives in the United States.

“Data observed by the survey will be used to help determine how approximately $675 billion will be distributed from the federal government to state, local and tribal governments annually,” the resolution cited.

“Up to $2,000 of federal funding will be lost for each person not counted; as well as upwards of $20,000 of federal funding lost every ten years,” the resolution cited.

To achieve an ambitious goal of including every Virginian in the 2020 census, the resolution cited that Gov. Ralph Northam established the Virginia Complete Count Commission, comprised of 40 members to collaborate with community partners and local Complete Count Committees.

Members of the Lunenburg Board of Supervisors also voted to approve a transfer of funds from the Lunenburg County Sheriff’s Office from its comp. board vacancy savings to office in order for the majority of funds to be used to purchase a gently used copier machine in place of a leased copier.

The amount transferred was $4,000.

For the next fiscal year, for fiscal year 2020, the sheriff’s office made a request to move funds that would have typically been in Maintenance Service Contract to the Office Supplies budget line item in order for the department to continue to maintain the new copier.

Due to the upcoming Student Government Day, the April Lunenburg Board of Supervisors meeting is set to be held April 11, 10 a.m. at Central High School.