One more day

Published 11:43 am Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Every day is a gift from Jesus, He said “come my child and see what the day will bring.” I jumped out of bed wondering what good things He had in store for me.

When you woke up this morning did you give Jesus thanks for last night’s sleep or did you just get up and go about your life as usual?

Jesus loves to talk with us and He asks many questions. Sometimes we do not want to hear what He has to say and pretend not to listen. Late in the midnight hour when all is quiet and we are trying to sleep, our conscience will remind us of the conversations that we had with Jesus, when we tried not to hear because we wanted to do as we pleased. It will not let you rest. Sometimes it may take a day or two but other times it could take months, but believe me, you will have to give in. That’s the good thing about Jesus, He is patient and loving, standing there with open arms waiting for you.

Sometimes, when Jesus is talking with me, He wants to know how I’m feeling and what did I do today to help someone? Did I say a kind word or did I remain silent when unkind deeds were done? Jesus wants us to know that we have a responsibility to each other. He said, “we are our brother’s keeper.” I know we are saying how can we be our brothers’ keepers when the world is in such agony? I believe this is why we must try even harder to be good stewards for Jesus. The world needs us more now than ever and we must show the Love of Jesus even though wars and rumors of wars are all-around us. We are stronger because Jesus is on our side.

Matthew 9:37 Then Jesus said unto His disciples the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few:

Matthew 9:38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth labourers into His harvest. Be blessed in Jesus’ name.

Mary Simmons can be reached at