Solar project goes dark

Published 11:21 am Wednesday, March 27, 2019

A proposed solar facility will no longer be coming to Lunenburg County. The Lunenburg County Planner, the landowner involved with the proposed project and Hexagon Energy confirmed that Hexagon Energy withdrew its application for Kenbridge Solar, LLC.

The 11.5-acre solar facility project was proposed for 284 Hickory Road and the energy generated from the facility was proposed to be sold to Dominion Energy.

Lunenburg County Planner Glenn Millican confirmed the decision by Hexagon Energy to withdraw the application.

Bill Roby has been involved with the project and his mother, Alice Rudd Roby was listed as the owner of the parcel at Hickory Road the solar facility was proposed to be placed. Bill confirmed that the solar project had been withdrawn during the Kenbridge Town Council meeting March 19.

“Kenbridge Solar is no more,” Bill said during the meeting.

Adam Ventre with Hexagon Energy cited “constraining factors” that ultimately contributed to the decision to withdraw

the application.

“We appreciate all the time and effort the community and the participating members of the local government spent in consideration of the proposed Kenbridge Solar project,” Ventre said in a statement Monday. “It was great to meet so many of the neighbors at our community meeting back in December. Kenbridge Solar was well-sited, with no impact to view-sheds, had support from neighbors, and would offer Dominion customers a new opportunity to participate in clean, locally generated power. Unfortunately, we made a business decision to abandon development of the project due to a number of constraining factors. We hope that conditions change in the future and allow a successful solar farm to be sited and built in Lunenburg County, bringing clean renewable energy, economic development, and local jobs to the County.”

The project was estimated to contain 2 megawatts (MW) and is considered direct-current (DC).

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels will be placed on the plot, which would be located on a larger, nearly 200-acre parcel of land. There are proposed to be approximately 5,800 solar PV panels for the project, according to the application.

This is a developing report. See next week’s edition of The K-V Dispatch for more information.