
Published 9:19 am Wednesday, April 24, 2019

In my lifetime there have been many things that have changed around me, take shopping for example. I love shopping as much as the next person, maybe even more, but with today’s technology there’s actually no need to go to the mall any longer — you can find everything you desire online. One of my daughter’s purchases everything she needs, from furniture to toothpaste, online. She is one of those people that hate shopping so this is right up her alley.

Eating out is another example. In my day it was a treat to go out to dinner with family and friends. It was a time to let your hair down and have great conversation; a way to catch up on the day’s activities. Now when folks are at dinner people have their cell phones out communicating with everyone except the people they are having dinner with.

Speaking of cell phones, since most people have one, house phones are becoming outdated. Only one of my kids still use a house phone — the same one that hates shopping. She said if anyone wants to reach her after she gets home, call her house. The funny part is she usually won’t answer the phone when it rings because no one calls but telemarketers.

The animals also seem to have changed. Where they once were afraid to be near humans (not talking about dogs and cats), they seemed to have accepted our presence in their lives. This could be due to us taking their homes and leaving them with fewer places to live.

One day I was sitting on a bench and would you believe a little bird walked right up to me as if he wanted to have a conversation. He stayed there for a few seconds looking at me so I started talking to him. I thought the conversation was pretty interesting but apparently, he didn’t agree because after chirping once or twice he flew off. Nevertheless, I was so excited that I couldn’t wait to tell my family. My family did not seem to grasp how impactful that moment was to me because they only responded with “oh yeah, that’s nice momma.”

A few weeks ago, three of my great-grandchildren were in the backyard playing when a deer walked right up to them and allowed them to pet it, thank goodness I have a picture because it was unbelievable. Saying I was amazed is an understatement and the best part about it was the kids were not afraid. It just made me marvel at God’s grace and mercy.

As we continue to grow, changes will continue to take place. New exciting technology will continue to be developed, the animals will continue to get close to us, and God will continue to do great things. I’m excited to see what He will bring in the future.

Isaiah 43:19, See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Be blessed in Jesus name.

Mary Simmons can be reached at