My dream

Published 10:59 am Wednesday, June 26, 2019

One night I was dreaming that Jesus was troubled with the world. In my dream He said Mary, I want to talk to you; I will talk, and you listen. Jesus began, why did my people destroy my beautiful world? I asked, Lord what do you mean? He said, I lovingly took time to create this glorious world. Everything you could have asked for and more was provided for you.

I gave you a beautiful garden with every hue. I created rivers, streams and brooks for you to enjoy. I manifested the skies with the snowy clouds in the day and allowed the sky to change colors with the rain. When there is an over cast the sky turns smoky gray with a hint of light gray. I provided the sun to warm the earth and the moon and stars to brighten the night in darkness. I created every animal to roam the earth but the most important thing that I created was you.

You were formed after me and I made you the ruler of beast and everything. You were given a mind to understand and to build. What did you do with your knowledge? I will tell you — build bombs to start wars without realizing or caring how many lives will be lost. You are greedy and want what your neighbor has and this causes so much trouble for the world.

I awoke from my dream with tears in my eyes and a heart filled with sadness. Jesus is a wonderful God, He gives so much and in return requires much. He wants us to love Him, to obey Him, and to let His light shine through us. He wants us to love each other, to treat each other with respect and kindness

Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you. Genesis 28:15

Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20. Be blessed in Jesus’ name.

Mary Simmons can be reached at