The difference in knowledge and wisdom
Published 8:12 am Sunday, June 14, 2020
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Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. Philosophy is wondering if that means ketchup is a smoothie.
It has been said that knowledge is knowing what to say and wisdom is knowing whether or not to say it. In case you haven’t noticed, people are quick these days to post their opinions about topics. We share items without researching the accuracy. We give opinions on things from COVID-19 to flu, from wearing a mask or not wearing a mask, on how taking a knee during the pledge is disrespectful while we sit on the couch during the pledge to watch the game, even opinions on how if you post about a topic you’re going too far, but not posting or commenting means you’re part of the problem. Knowledge is knowing what to say; wisdom is knowing whether or not to say it.
Proverbs 11:27 challenges us with these words: “He who diligently seeks good seeks favor, But he who seeks evil, evil will come to him (NASB).” Some have tried to modernize this verse into saying, “Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one that finds the gold.”
There is a famed restoration movement quote that has guided people correctly for years, “In essentials, unity. In nonessentials, liberty. In all things, love.” You know, there are things that my opinion doesn’t matter one bit. There are items in which we, as a people, must stand firmly together. However, in all things…L-O-V-E. Even The Black Eyed Peas sang, “Where is the Love.”
God created us to love. God created us to have and to hold value. God designed us to look for the good in others while striving to be the good ourselves. Just because you know something or have an opinion does not mean it’s a good thing to voice it.
As a young child, our mother used to tell my brother and I, “It’s better to say nothing and let people think you’re a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”
Knowledge is knowing what to say; wisdom is knowing whether or not to say it.
James 3:17 is a verse needing to be heard worldwide lately, “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”
Let’s try to use a little wisdom in our communities by showing nothing but love to all, by being peace-loving, full of mercy, impartial and sincere. May we produce “good fruit” for all to see Christ in us. #bethegood.
Rev. J. Cameron Bailey is pastor of Kenbridge Christian Church. He can be reached at jamescameronbailey@gmail. com.