A Box of Love: God cares

Published 10:10 am Friday, April 7, 2023

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A box of loveGrowing up, my father and mother owned the Pennington Grocery store in Victoria. People would come from the various surrounding towns to get some of their homemade cooking. It was a lot of work, but my parents never gave up on it.

My father always would tell my siblings and me, “Everyone should have something of their own, whether it’s business or whether it’s property, have something of your own.” Because of words and encouragement, I have always reached out on faith and tried to create something I could call my own.

One day while looking for some t-shirts online, I came across ones with foul words. My first thought was, “who would wear something like that” my second thought was, “why would you wear something like that?”

As I thought more and more, I began to feel like we, as a people, have gotten so far away from God and each other. I thought to myself, it’s as if no one cares anymore, and as soon as I said it, I realized, “God Cares.”

That thought led me to create “God Care Tees,” an online business where you can buy T-shirts that can do two things, glorify the name of Jesus, and bring a smile to someone’s face. God Care will make you feel comfortable and uplifted.

I am still working on the logistics, the website, and a few other things, but I know God Care is going to be something that will be uplifting to the community and quite possibly the world because with Jesus on your side, who can be against you?

Be blessed in Jesus’ name.

Mary Simmons is a columnist for The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch. She can be reached at aboxoflove37@gmail.com.