The Word: Other people’s opinions don’t matter

Published 11:55 am Friday, June 9, 2023

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Rev. J. Cameron Bailey“Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality.” -Les Brown.

I once heard someone say that they used to care about what people thought about them until they tried to pay their bills with other people’s opinions and it didn’t work. People have a right to their opinion…allow me to show you your right to ignore those opinions. You see, it matters not what other people think about you or what they see in you. What matters is what God sees and knows. Read that again: it matters not what other people think about you or what they see in you. What matters is what God sees and knows.

When you look throughout the Bible, you often see people giving their opinions on others. Once you read the full stories, however, you discover God had So much more in store. For example, when folks looked at young David they simply saw a shepherd boy. Small. Young. Inexperienced. What did God see? A man after His own heart. God saw the king of Israel. God saw a person willing to stand up against the giants. God saw someone, though flawed, who would strive to be the good His people needed. What about when Joseph? His brothers saw a worrisome dreamer who their dad seemed to favor. Potiphar’s wife saw a manly dream boat with integrity that she couldn’t have. What did God see? God saw a powerful minister for His people who could lead and help Egypt. Sarah? Others saw a bitter old woman who couldn’t have children. God? He saw the mother of all nations.

You see, it matters not what other people think about you or what they see in you. What matters is what God sees and knows.

Stop allowing the opinions of others to run your life. God has so much in store for, and through you. He is simply awaiting you to let go and allow Him to grow you. We worry so much about what other people think. Folks will stand in front of the mirror and work on their face, hair, makeup, outfit for hours and worry the whole time what others think. Stop. Begin to look at things with these glasses on, ok: You serve an audience of One. God is the only One we should be concerned with. The opinions of other people can’t get us into Heaven. Only Jesus Christ can (John 14:6). God loves you more than anything. You can’t do life alone. You can’t buy your way in. You can’t earn your way into Heaven either (Romans 3:10; 5:6-8).

Stop worrying about what others say and think. Live only for God!

Rev. J. Cameron Bailey is pastor of Kenbridge Christian Church. He can be reached at