A Box of Love: We just don’t know

Published 4:57 pm Wednesday, May 15, 2024

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“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” — Psalm 19:14. 

I trust the mothers had a blessed Mother’s Day. My son, Mark, surprised me when he showed up. 

I was engaged in a heartfelt exchange of responses to whether we know our sins. We were divided in our answers. Some claimed we were aware of our sins, while others stated they were not. Initially, I believed those who said they knew they were sinning were right. However, after some time, I have concluded that they do not know when they are or have sinned. 

I recently attended my friend’s 88th birthday party. Unfortunately, I noticed that some of the younger family members refused to help out. Despite many people at the party, a male cousin had to ask for their assistance. One of them replied, “I am too cool for this. Look at my clothes; I don’t want to get dirty.” Another said, “I only work when I get paid.” None of the grandchildren or great-grandchildren living in New York offered to help. Only the ones who lived out of town contributed to the party. 

I believe they were unaware of their sinful actions because pride consumed them. This feeling can make us do things we do not want to do now. The grandchildren and great-grandchildren did not realize that this could have been the last time they would see their grandmother because of her illness. Later, will they regret not putting more effort into making their grandma’s day successful? 

Should we teach our children respect for others or leave them to their own devices? According to the Bible, if we instruct children when they are young, they will not stray from the path, but if they do, they will eventually return to it. 

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 

Be blessed in Jesus’ name. 

Mary Simmons is a columnist for The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch. She can be reached at aboxoflove37@gmail.com.