A Box of Love: Who are we?

Published 8:00 am Sunday, May 26, 2024

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“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD. my strength, and my redeemer.” — Psalm 19:14.

We often wonder if the person we believe ourselves to be is the same as the person we are. There comes a point in everyone’s life when we must confront and stop concealing our identity. We change daily, but we must ponder whether these changes are for the better or the worse.

When we look into the mirror, do we like what we see and want to make changes, or are we satisfied? Have we pretended so long that we do not know the difference? We can make changes with Jesus’ help. Jesus is there waiting for our call.

Sometimes, we fool ourselves into believing we are Christians when we lack Jesus’ characteristics. When we are Jesus’ children, our lives must change. We are the world’s light, and our actions should reflect that.

Do we truly believe that Jesus is our Savior, or are we just going through the motions? Jesus can see through our actions and discern when our hearts are not aligned with His. But He also recognizes our sincere efforts to become His children and is always ready to guide us when we seek His Help.

Jesus came into the world to save sinners like you and me. He stands at the door with open arms, waiting for us to come home. When we go home with Him, He has prepared a Heavenly Home for us.

Today is the day to know whose child we are. The Bible gives us many examples of how we can become His children. Let’s seek Jesus’ face, pray, and read the Bible to become who Jesus says we are.

“Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord He is God in Heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.” Deuteronomy 4:39

Be blessed in Jesus’ name.

Mary Simmons is a columnist for The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch. She can be reached at aboxoflove37@gmail.com.