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Lunenburg County Christmas new year


Treasures on the Shelves: There’s plenty to read in the New Year

Happy 2025!  A new year means new book goals to reach and a look ahead at some of ...

Real Virginia Farming


Farming Meeting set for Tonight: Calendar for the week of Jan. 16

FARMING MEETING – Farmers in Nottoway, Prince Edward and Amelia counties will be able to take part in ...

Hershberger the words of my mouth


Mary Simmons: ‘The words of my mouth’ should bring blessings

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O ...

years past


Mike Wilson: It was definitely easier to do this in years past

First of all, to the grandparents and parents out there who raced around big box stores, who stared ...

Christmas Eve worship candlelight

Church & Community

Christmas worship by Candlelight: Calendar for the week of Dec. 21

This is the Christmas week version of the Church and Community Events calendar. The calendar is published each ...

Lunenburg County Christmas new year


Treasures on the Shelves: The best books of the Christmas season

As we reach Christmas and the end of the year, I always enjoy looking back through my book ...

Bible Let the words of my mouth Psalm


Mary Simmons: A Psalm helps us remember the love of Jesus

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O ...

Victoria Christmas Parade


Christmas comes to Victoria through Friday’s parade

The goal here is to put smiles on faces and make sure residents have a good time. The ...

Geminid meteor shower


Geminid meteor shower arrives: Here’s how to watch

If you’re looking for something to do as your family gathers together for Thanksgiving this week, may we ...

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church


A First for St. Luke’s : Lunenburg church becomes Episcopal shrine

A building near 100 years old, one that’s seen a lot through the decades, was the site of ...

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