DAR chapter honors good citizens

Created in 1934 by the Daughters of the American Revolution, the DAR Good Citizen Award recognizes high school seniors who possess qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism in their homes, schools, and communities. Area high schools are asked by their local DAR chapter to identify such students.

Students who are chosen are asked to write an extemporaneous essay within a given time allotment which they are invited to read at a meeting of the DAR chapter. The focus question for this year’s essay was “What are the civic responsibilities of a good citizen and why are these duties, activities, and behaviors important to the shaping of the America you hope to experience?” 

The following schools named their “Good Citizens,” who read their essays at the March meeting of the William Taylor Chapter: 

• Amelia Academy: Kyle Ephraim Anderson, of Amelia, son of Angela and Kelly Anderson;

• Amelia County High School: Kailey Grace Dietz, of Amelia, daughter of Katrina Dietz.

• Brunswick Academy: Denver Meredith Wright, of Gasburg, son of Denise Wright. (unable to attend)

• Central of Lunenburg: Daniel Thomas Shell, of Wilsons, son of Andrea and Tommy Shell.

• Kenston Forest School: Robert Thomas Hawthorne, of Blackstone, son of Nicole and Robert Hawthorne.

The chapter awarded each student with a certificate, a pin, and a gift certificate. Upon hearing the very impressive essays read by the students, DAR members voiced enthusiasm about the future of the United Status in the hands of such outstanding young people.
