Victoria Fire Department celebrates achievements
They paid tribute to Rodney Newton. After 17 years, Newton announced his retirement in February from Victoria Fire and Rescue, during the group’s annual banquet.
Members were recognized for their achievements in 2023 and Lunenburg County Clerk Gordon Erby installed the new officers. But the theme of the evening was to honor Newton’s years of dedication and work with the department.
The group saw a tribute slideshow that highlighted major accomplishments during Newton’s tenure as Chief. The slides highlighted the purchase of the adjacent property next to the fire station and how it was developed into a training building, how he oversaw the merger of Kenbridge Emergency Squad with Victoria Fire and Rescue, the purchase of new Medic units and the startup of the Virginia Communications Cache Regional Team, which is based in Victoria.
The Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors presented Chief Newton with a Resolution for his dedicated service to Victoria Fire and Rescue, The Town of Victoria, and Lunenburg County. Chief Newton has played a significant role in Emergency Management within the county to include overseeing the new Lunenburg County Trunking Radio system that was brought online in November.
Victoria Fire and Rescue presented Chief Newton with a plaque for his service, along with his Chief’s helmet.
The newly elected Officers for Victoria Fire and Rescue for 2024 are Frankie Tanner, Chief; Chris Garrett, Assistant Chief; Ethan Hoover, Fire Captain; Andrew Cocker, Rescue Captain; Austin Hoover, Fire Lieutenant; Noah Phillips, Fire Lieutenant; Bernice Thompson, Rescue Lieutenant; Bobbie Smith, Rescue Lieutenant; Woody Conner, Engineer; Connie Moore, Secretary; Ron Talley, Assistant Secretary; Denise Crenshaw, Treasurer; Tina Hudson, VAVRS Board of Governors Representative; Bernice Thompson, VAVRS Board of Governors Alternate; Board of Directors, Wayne Hoover, President; Rob Williams; Ray Ashworth; Ricky Lyles; and Bryan King.